Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Chapter 7. The mysterious whistle

Already on the first day I was surprised to see a wooden pipe sticking out of the butt's bass bore. In modern German instruments it's the tenor bore that has lining but that is usually much more subtle. Only when I opened the bottom seal I realised that the bass bore is actually blocked. I mean the air can get through but the view is obstructed (left on the picture). I don't know if it has been glued but it sits firmly in its place and I couldn't take it out to take a closer look.

Because of it's position there was no way I could take a decent picture of it with my camera but playing with lights (and few other things) I managed to see enough to sketch a 3d model. The closest association I have is one with a whistle but I don't know what it actually is.

Whatever it is it might be broken. The circular collar seems to be broken. Here you can see that there are two slots. Or is this a designed feature?

I will have to find out what it is. If you know, let me know.

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